Safe Teenage Relationship Education & Empowerment Team

If you recognise any of these behaviours you or someone you know could be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship. It is never OK, and if it is happening to you it is not your fault.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse at home, abuse in your own relationship, or have done in the past is it important you speak to an adult that you trust. This might be a parent or carer, teacher, youth worker or your doctor. They can help you get support and advice.
How STREET can help
How to Get Help
If you, your parent, or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 999. If you can’t speak press 55 and they will know it’s an emergency.
If would like help from STREET you can speak to an adult you trust to help you complete a referral form
Get in touch with us yourself by calling 01452 228 802. We are open Monday – Friday between 9-5pm. If we can’t answer straight away leave us a message and we will call you back.
Worried about a friend?
Click here for advice on how you can help them
Need someone to talk to?
Childline – A free & confidential helpline for young people
The Mix – Essential support for under 25’s
Teens in Crisis (TIC+) – Local counselling service for young people
Further Relationship Information & Advice
LoveRespect – Healthy & unhealthy relationship advice
Brook – Sexual health & wellbeing
Local Domestic & Sexual Abuse Services
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
Gloucestershire Stalking Advocacy Service