Coping with crime

If you have recently been affected by crime you may be experiencing many complex emotions.
Everyone reacts to crime differently and there is no right or wrong way to feel. It is normal to feel a range of strong, difficult emotions.
You may also find that the effects of having experienced crime last longer than you expect them to. Again, this is normal. But if you need support in dealing with these emotions, Victim Support is always here to help.
You may feel:
It is normal to be angry towards the people who have affected you. However, sometimes our anger is directed toward other people, including family or friends, or to ourselves.
You may feel sadness, regret, or that you should or could have done something to stop it.
You may be frightened that the person will commit the crime against you again. Or you may be scared about telling someone about the offence in case it makes things worse.
You may feel that you can’t do the things you usually do and enjoy in case it happens again. You may be anxious about going to school. Or you might keep thinking about the crime or your experience, and your anxiety might be affecting your sleep.
You may feel that no one truly knows what has happened to you. Or you may feel that no one can understand what you are going through, and this might make you less likely to tell someone.
If you have experienced crime and you need help and support to move forward, we are here to help.
Victim Support Gloucester have specially trained staff that can help young people and families. All our support for young people is victim-led; individual needs are identified and support is tailored to help you feel able to cope and move forward. We can also work with parents or carers to help them support a young person who has been affected by crime.
o help.
Further resources
Childline: crime and the law –
The Mix: crime and safety –