Meet the team

Lizzy works directly with children and young people who are struggling after crime. She thinks it is so important to meet with young people face to face (if that’s what they want) and give them space to share their experience. She works collaboratively with them to ensure young people feel supported in a way that works for them, and a way that they will be able to maintain.
Lizzy spends her free time rock climbing, making her own clothes, and watching Bob’s Burgers.

John is passionate about his community engagement role, recruiting volunteers, delivering workshops to schools and youth groups, visiting community settings to hear about people’s experiences, empowering young people to find their voice, and leading our incredible Hedgehog Finds Her Voice project.
John enjoys reading, playing his guitar, watching Star Trek, and loves movie night with his family (especially if it involves Spiderman).

Lynn manages the You Got This (YGT) team. She joined Victim Support Gloucestershire in December 2018.
Lynn has a degree in Psychotherapy, and in her spare time enjoys singing and acting.
She’s also on the committee of a local health group and is a trustee of a local children’s charity.