Ahmed’s story

I left my country to be safe but then found myself in danger again. I wanted to feel protected (after the crime), and my support worker at Victim Support explained everything to me.
The first time I came to Victim Support they arranged a translator for me who spoke French. This helped me really understand the support they were offering.
They gave me a panic alarm, which really helped me because when I’m out, if there is a problem, I can use it. It is reassuring.
Victim Support set up a poetry and photography workshop and spent a lot of time with me, using Google Translate so I could take part. The workshop was a good experience – meeting people my age with the same ideas. I was shy initially but they treated me as one of them, were friendly, and we really enjoyed each other’s company.
At the end of my support I felt more confident. When I first came, I didn’t know how to phone the police but now I do. I felt that the first police (officer) I met didn’t do their job but Victim Support helped me report the assault again (as a hate crime). Now I find the police good, and I would report something to them if I needed to. Victim Support gave me the confidence to do this.
Later, Victim Support contacted me about being on the BBC and it was exciting; being on the television helped me to share my story. It helped me raise awareness of how Victim Support can help others like me. I really appreciate Victim Support giving me a voice.